CMS API Documentation

CMS API protocol found at the bottom of this page is the primary reference for the interface. It includes extensive comments and explanations as well as specific documentation necessary to construct client messages and interpret server messages.

API Examples (Samples)

If you are just getting started with CMS API, you may find it helpful to study the sample code packages below. Here you will find comments regarding special concepts necessary to working efficiently with the interface.

It is recommended to use Python samples. They are better documented and also have CMS API client that can be used directly in user applications. Also, they have the means to generate code from the protocol.

C# samples (obsolete) Download (.zip)
Python samples Download (.zip)


Protocol is in proto2 format and contains several packages with fixed structures.

It is divided into several major areas (requests):

  • InformationRequest
  • SearchRequest
  • OperationRequest
  • TradeRoutingReqest
Demo Download (.zip)
Production Download (.zip)


This is web-based playground that can help with creating and verifying of API requests.
