CQG Brand Guidelines
The CQG Brand
Visible, tangible, intuitive. CQG has represented careful decision-making, quality, honesty, and innovation for more than 40 years.
Clear, straight forward, intelligent.
Logo and guidelines
Use logo in given brand colors.
In the case where brand colors won't show up well or in high enough contrast, use a solid white or solid black version of the logo.
Do not
- alter or apply effects
- use non-brand colors
- stretch or skew
Give a unit of clear space around the logo
Co-branding Principles
Powered by CQG
For applications using CQG APIs and white labels of CQG software. The Powered by CQG logo should be sized where it is readable.
Usage over imagery
When using photography, place the logo over a section where the logo will be high contrast, or blur the photo.
Avoid using clip art or backgrounds that are too high contrast or busy where the logo becomes unreadable.
Application Examples
Color palette
CQG Brand Colors
PMS 187 Red
HEX: #b01c2e
RGB: 69/11/18
CMYK: 0/85/72/35
HSL: 353/73/40
Dark Gray
PMS Cool Gray 11
HEX: #53565a
RGB: 83/86/90
CMYK: 8/4/0/65
HSL: 215/4/34
PMS 877Silver
HEX: #a3a2a0
RGB: 163/162/160
CMYK: 3/1/0/44
HSL: 40/2/63
HEX: #000000
RGB: 0/0/0
CMYK: 60/60/60/100
HSL: 0/0/0
Clear and straightforward, or bold and loud — the CQG fonts styles allow a wide variety of scenarios and moods. The font styles establish a simple, clear heirarchy.
User Interface
Illustrations, photography, and other imagery
High-quality photos of CQG products, data, data-visualization.
Link to internal repository of photos
High-quality photos of cities with financial centers where CQG customers are.
CQG uses a combination of fontawesome and custom icons.
Brand Voice
Brand Attributes
- Powerful
- Responsive
- Reliable
- Smart
- Customer-Focused
Voice Attributes
- Straightforward: CQG tells it like it is. We present the most accurate, up-to-date, and reliable information on our products, services, and people without embellishment.
- Clear: CQG speaks clearly and concisely. We use understandable, uncomplicated language. We avoid meaningless jargon.
- Confident: CQG communicates its messages with confidence. We believe in ourselves. We speak about our company assuredly yet without exaggeration.
- Knowledgeable: CQG makes it clear that it is the expert in the field. We have the answers. We use language that represents the intelligence behind our sucess, our brand, and our people.
- Problem-solving: CQG solves our customers' problems. We communicate how our products and services provide unique solutions.
- Passionate: CQG speaks with passion and enthusiasm. We are excited about our products, our services, our people, and our industry.