CAST 2 Help
This collection of posts detail using CAST 2

CAST 2 is a work in progress. We are adding new screens regularly as we replicate the full functionality of CAST in this new product. The CQG team will be in touch with you as more functionality is available.



CAST 2 allows FCM partners to:

  • Sign up new customers
  • Enable customers to access CQG products
  • Create new trading accounts


CAST 2 is built to run in modern browsers

CAST Setup

In CAST User Info, enable the CAST trader for CAST2.


In CAST User Permissions, give the CAST trader permission to create, modify, and delete an account

Access to the permissions are controlled by the firm's master CAST user


Access CAST 2

Use your CAST username and password to sign in to CAST 2


Home Screen

The home screen of CAST 2 is designed to easily facilitate typical workflows. In addition, from the Home Screen top navigation bar, use the Search box located in the top right-hand corner to find a profile, a login, an account, an order, and more. With the first letter entered a window opens using autofill to immediately aid your search.

Task cards

Task cards for common workflows are in the main part of the Home screen. In addition, from the Home Page, use the Search box located in the top right-hand corner to find a profile, a login, an account, an order, and more . 

With the first letter entered a window opens using autofill to immediately aid your search.

  • +Set up a new profile: The CAST 2 user can sign up a new customer by selecting "Set up a new profile."
  • +Set up a new login: If a customer requests new access to a CQG product then the CAST 2 user selects "Set up a new login" and attaches it to an existing profile. 
    • When adding a new trader to an existing account a profile must be setup first. Step through the wizard to set up the profile and the trader and then attach to an existing account.
  • +Set up a new account: If a customer requests to create a new trading account then the CAST 2 user selects "Set up a new account" and attaches it to an existing profile.


Top Navigation Bar

The top navigation bar has four tabs with dropdown menus: Logins, Profile, Accounts, and Orders.

Login Tab

Select the Login tab to set up a new login, search for logins, or access recent logins.


Profile tab

You can set up a new profile, search for a profile, or do a bulk address update.


You have a choice of Searches of Profiles:

  • Anything
  • Admin
  • Brokerage (such as an Introducing Broker)
  • Customer
  • Sales Series


Brokerage Risk Parameters

Select a Brokerage from the Profile Search and you can set:

(in parenthesis is the CAST corresponding settings)

  • General Information
    • (CAST: FCM Info)
  • Risk Parameters Restrictions
    • (CAST: Min FCM Risk Parameters)
  • New Account Risk Parameters
    • (CAST: Default Account Risk Parameters)
  • Market Limits Restriction
    • (CAST: Min FCM Market Limits)
  • Market Limits
    • (CAST: Dynamic Default Market Limits)

Roll your mouse over the "i" icon for a tooltip.



Accounts tab

You can set up a new account or search for accounts, and access recent accounts.

Account Risk Parameters

When setting Account Risk Parameters the Account Risk Parameters cannot exceed the Brokerage Risk Parameters.

Orders Tab

You can also search for orders, and access recent orders.

Over to the right of the Home page you can do a general search for anything from logins to user names, and more.

CAST 2 Task Menus

When each of the above CAST 2 Tasks are completed CAST 2 uses Ellipse Menus (the three dots) to make easy access to commonly used functions within the Task. This section walks the user through the functionally accessed by clicking the Ellipse menu.

Profile task menu

Once the Profile is saved the Ellipse menu button offer two choices:

  • Send Welcome login credentials via email
  • Remove profile


Select: Send welcome login credentials


This email is sent to the email address entered in the Profile:


Select Remove Profile

Message will display with any issues or display account and trader information that will be removed.


To search for any entries previously removed - click the "Trash can", then the Search button.


Login task menu

User may send a welcome email the Trader email listed in the attached profile.

User may send a self-certification email to the Trader email listed in the Profile (this is only available for documents that have not been electronically signed previously).


Deactivate Login allows the user to disable the login immediately or at a future time/date.


Change Credentials allows the user to erase current credentials and/or generate a change link that allows the Trader to reset the credentials (user would be responsible for creating the email to send to the Trader) or send an email to the Trader from CAST 2 which includes a link to reset the password.


Link Login to a different profile allows the CAST 2 user to link this Trader to a new or additional customer.

Accounts task menu

You can use Clone to easily create a duplicate account with a new name - settings for the account can be adjusted after the account has been created.

The user can copy settings - creating an exact replica with a different account name.

The user can Create an External Fill. Details include contract symbol, side (buy or sell), order type, open/close type, speculation type, quantity, price, and date time.

You can Create/Link Account Group. The user can create a new Account Group or link to an existing Account Group.

Link account to a different profile allows the user to link this account to a profile (customer).

Remove Account - removes the account from Profile - CAST 2 operands check to make sure all orders are settled and that there are no active positions.


Orders task menu

A working order can be cancelled.

The user can manually add an order placed outside of the environment to the Account.


Left Navigation Bar

The left hand side details recent searches including recently accessed profiles, recently accessed logins, recently accessed accounts, and recent orders.

Search Change Activity History

Along the bottom you can search by "Change Activity History." Click in "Data from" and access the calendar.

Release Notes

The Release Notes section displays the last three release notes.

Click on "Read more" and you can choose how to display the release notes page at

Here is a recent post from the release notes page at

Scenario: Set up a new Profile

On the Home page select start on the "Set up a new profile" card.

The Setup Profile Wizard

Main Info

This wizard below opens. For "Main Info" you select Type and the two choices are customer or administrator. The Brokerage name is usually automatically listed. The Legal Type is a drop down with these choices: Individual, Joint, Limited, Trust and Corporate.

Selecting Name adds a first and last name entry boxes.

Finally, Authentication uses a User Name and Password which are automatically generated from the CQG Gateway. Then, click on the Save and Continue to move to the Contact Info box.

Contact Info

The Contact Info slide has typical requirements: Email, Phone, Fax number (optional), Address 1, address 2 (optional), City, State, Zip/Postal code, Country. This information is used for billing.

Sales Series

Sales Series is usually an assignment to a group, such as a sales representative. Click "Select sales series" to open the sales series list.

You can search for a Sales Series.

Once you have connected the Sales Series to the Profile you select "Save and Continue" to setup a new Login.

Setup a System Login for QTrader


The System generates a Login name and defaults to Trade Routing. The Type is Pro or Non-Pro. The FCM is responsible for having the proper documents signed and in-house regarding Pro versus Non-Pro status.

To set up a QTrader enablement for the customer you select "System" then Service Bundles.

Select QTrader and then Save and Continue.

Products & Services

Current Active Products and Services are displayed.

Click on "All Products and Services" to add exchanges, etc. As "Non-Pro" is the type so you have warning icons by some services.

Search for an exchange, such as CME to narrow your view.

A reminder opens stating that a signed agreements is required. Select Yes.

Send a Welcome email

The last step is to send a Welcome Email so send the customer their credentials and link to download the software.

Setup a Trading Login


Select "Save and Repeat step" to return to the set up a new Login for "Trade Routing" for the Non-Pro QTrader user.

Authorized accounts

The next step is to bind the Trade Routing to an Account. Click on Select account down to the right to search for accounts.

Choose "Anything."

Select an Account to bind to.

Connection Settings

Click Save and Continue for Settings. You can select the Connection point, Password never expires, etc. Click Save and Continue for Event Notifications.

Login Notifications

Setup emails to come to the user based on the below criteria.

Exchange membership

If the customer is an Exchange member you select the Exchange and enter the customer's Member ID.

IP Whitelisting

IP white listing limits the locations a trader or CAST user can login from, such as the user can only login from inside the office.

Service Bundles are not available.

Products & Services

Add market data, such as from the CME exchange from the All Products & Services or from Real-Time data.

Welcome mail

Click Save and Continue to send out the Welcome email with credentials to the customer.

Profile Record

Once the new Profile and Login are completed you will see the new Profile Record. The left hand column gives details of the System Login, Customer Profile and Change Activity History.

Click on Profile in the left bar and you will see under Linked Logins both the System and Trade Routing logins.

Scenario: Setup a new Account or manage a current Account

Link a profile

To setup a new account, you must first have a profile setup to link it to.

Once you have linked to the correct profile then the Account display lists the settings available on the left hand side: General Information, Settings, Risk Parameters, Market Limits, Balances, Authorized Logins, Type and Origin Overrides, Group Account Information.

General Information and Settings

Start with filling out General Information and Settings.


Risk Parameters and Market Limits

Next, you can set Risk Parameters and Market Limits. In the Parameters window there are three settings: Single Trade Limits, Overall Account Limits and Margin Subsystem.

The Market Limits settings are using parameters from the Risk Parameters group.

The settings on Risk Parameters page apply to risk at the account level and override the default settings for the FCM. If a maximum limit is set at the FCM level, then the account value must be less than the maximum FCM amount.

The Parameters include: Liquidation Only, authorization to Trade Futures, a dropdown menu for trading Options (All, No, and Buy), Maximum Order Rate setting, and Price Calculation Algorithm.

The Single Trade Limits include setting Trade Size Limit, trade Margin Limit, Trade Price Limit (Passive, aggressive, LMT + Stop). Reject Risky Market Orders.

Set Overall Account Limits includes settings for: Commodity Position Limit, Contract Position Limit, Daily Loss Limit, Delta Daily Loss Limit, Include Unrealized Profit Loss in Daily Loss Limit and Delta Daily Loss Limit, Include Open trade Equity in Daily Loss Limit and Delta Daily Loss Limit.

Setting up Margin calculation settings. Margin Subsystem, when enforced, any trade that could cause margin requirements to exceed account's available funds is denied. Calculated margin requirements and funds available to cover margin are affected by the OTE, NOV, and Margin Multiplier parameters set in the Parameters section.

Market Limits are inherited from the Risk Parameters page. You can override them here by Commodity: Commodity Position Limit, Instrument Position Limit, Contract Position Limit, Trade Size Limit, Trade Price Limit, Margin Multiplier, LTD Limit (days from now). The setting LTD Limit (days from now) allows you to prohibit trading if the last trading day is more than N calendar days from today.).

Setting Balances

Setting Balances: To add a new balance, select the +Add balance button.

The rate displayed for the currency is sent by the FCM with the rest of the nightly statement data. CQG will provide the rate if it is not provided with back office data. The rate is needed in order to accurately calculate the account value.

CQG uses CQG FX Indices values for current rate data. Your account is configured to use the current intraday currency rate by default. To change this setting, contact CQG. If the current intraday currency rate is not available, then yesterday's settlement rate is used. For accounts that choose not to use the intraday currency rate, the system calculates risk based on the rate used by the account's FCM on the most recent statement date. If that value is not available, then yesterday's settlement rate is used.

Link Authorized Logins

In the Authorized Logins section, to add a new Login select the +Select Logins.

Select or unselect the check boxes: View Only, Remove Authority, Force Care, and Allow External Accounts.

  • View Only: Trader can view account information but cannot trade on the account.
  • Remove Authority: Trader cannot view account information or trade on this account. (Account is removed when you save the page.)
  • Force Care: Trader cannot place orders directly to the exchange; only care orders are allowed.
  • Allow External Accounts: This enables the Broker External Orders feature. Brokers now have the ability to enter orders into any account, including accounts associated with the broker that are not set up on CQG.


Routes have two tabs: Active Routes and Available Routes, which is a list of available routes.

You can view the account type data that is sent to the exchange. Click the Account info sent to exchange tab.

Additional Identifiers (MiFID)

Liquidity Provision Activity: Whether this Account's orders should be sent with the MiFID ll 'liquidity provision activity indicator (1 = true. 0 or not set = false).


Trading Capacity (DEAL, MTCH, AOTC): Official MiFID code for trading capacity (DEAL = dealing own account, MITCH = matched principle, AOTC = any other capacity). If not configured then AOTC value is used.


Scenario: Customer needs to Reset their Password

Search for a customer

From the Home Page, simply use the Search box located in the top right-hand corner to find the customer. You can search by the customer name or other key information, such as login.

What is returned are results using "Search for a profile." If you click "Search for a login" then a new window opens displaying the results.

Hovering your mouse over a row will expose the "Open in a new tab" feature. Clicking this will open that feature in a new tab. Now, you can open up multiple records at the same time, select the tab of interest or drag the tabs to be side by side.

If you click on the row, that record will open.

Task menu

Clicking the three dot menu will expand the drop down with a list of features. As the scenario is a customer wants to change their password, you select "Change Credentials."

The CAST user cannot change the credentials for the customer. Selecting "Change credentials" will open this window. You have different choices including "Send credential change email" to the customer. The email sent includes links to to login and change the password. The CAST user can stay on the phone with the customer for any additional assistance.

When the email is sent the confirmation window opens. The email is sent only to the email address listed for the Customer.

Scenario: Adding Market Data or other features

To add market data requested by a customer you first search for the profile of the customer using the upper right-hand search. Choose the correct profile.

Access linked logins in the left bar

The profile displays the Linked Logins, both the System and the Trade Routing on the left hand side. If the customer wants to access new market data and be able to trade the market you first add the exchange using the System Login then second, add the exchange for the Trade Routing Login.

Pro tip: You can use CTRL+Click or use the open in new tab icon to open the records in separate browser tabs so you don't have to wait for pages to load when navigating back to the original record.

Update System Login Market Data

Update the System preferences by selecting System in the left hand column, then select Real-Time Data. Search for the exchange, such as CBOT, and enable the exchange.

Update Trading Login Exchange access

For adding the exchange to Trade Routing go back to the profile and click the Trade Routing Login under Linked Logins. You can add the exchange by selecting Real-Time Data or search All Products and Services for the exchange and then enable the exchange. For customers with multiple brokers you select under Billing brokerage "All Brokerages in Equal Amounts." Then click Save.

If there's not authorized account: add one

In the above example, there is not an authorized account. This would be rare, but to connect to an account after you have saved the changes click "+Select accounts" in the bottom right hand corner as seen in the image below.

Then search for an Account using the dropdown list.

Select the Account.

The selected account is authorized.

Rolling the mouse over the Account ID and the Account ID can be opened in a new tab. Ten tabs may be open at a time. Opening a new tab will close the first tab opened.

Scenario: Troubleshoot an order

A customer contacts the FCM with questions regarding an order. Click on the Orders tab at the top and select "Search for an order."


You can search for an order by using any of a long list of choices. Or, enter the Order ID in the right-hand top search window.

Here is an example of the order information returned following the search using an Order ID number.

Transaction status

Here are the Transactions statuses, such as order state details by time.


Switch back to the Details tab in the top pane and select Operational Details in the bottom pane.

Here are the Transactions tab details.

Account Details

Select the Accounts tab for account details.

Additional attributes

The final tab lists any Additional Attributes.

Scenario: Restrict Accounts to Long Positions only

New Account Risk Parameters (All Markets)

A new feature to restrict an account to placing long positions only. Set Risk Parameters for a new account. Save changes. This is set for all markets.

New Account Risk Parameter (One Market)

This risk parameter can also be applied to a single market.

Options Account Risk Parameters

You can restrict options trading to "No", "Long Only" and "Use market limit settings."

Account Risk Parameter

The Market Limits Risk Parameter cannot override the Account Risk parameter (it is greyed out). If you choose "Use market limit settings" then you can set the rule from the Market Limits Parameters.

Scenario: Create an Order Handler

First, add a new login.

Link this profile to an existing profile.

For Credentials create a Login Name and assign the class to Order Handler.

Search for the Brokerage and choose the Brokerage or the Sales Series Profiles.

Select the Risk Parameters.

Set Market Limits.

Click No and Save and Exit and an Order Handler page will open.

The new Order Handler page will load.

Scenario: Terminate a Session

Login to the account.

Select Show more details under the Authentication History.

The Authenticate History Sessions management widget opens in a new tab.

Select the Sessions tab.

Select Terminate for a single session or Terminate all sessions.