White Labeled Mobile Apps

This page is intended for anyone from a partner firm involved in or wanting to learn about the process for white labeled mobile apps.

The approach taken here is to

  • reduce the administration and coordination required to release mobile apps between CQG and it’s partners
  • increase efficiency during release cycles
  • strike a balance between maximizing customer experience, partner firm requirements for a branded experience, and reduce time to market and costly custom development

Marketing and App Store Experience

Common name for the white labeled app is Trade Anywhere

  • The app can be marketed as [Partner name] Trade Anywhere on your website
  • Customers will click on the link on your website and it will take them to the Google/Apple app store, they will see Trade Anywhere, without partner branding in the store
Partner website partner website
Google Play google
Apple App Store apple

Graphic Assets

App store badges and links

App Launch and Log on

In app branding

  • On install, the the app icon and name of the app customers will see is Trade Anywhere
  • Log on screen will show Trade Anywhere
  • During log on:
    • The app will show a splash screen with broker branding
    • Default lists and settings are customized using CQG Desktop Profile Admin
  • Once in app, customers will see partner branding in the main menu
log on

Coordination and process

Branding is managed by creating a white label of the CQG Desktop platform.

Partners will coordinate with CQG's FCM Desk team (fcmdesk@cqg.com).

The white labeled mobile app receives graphics, colors, controlling the visibility of some functionality and symbol lists from the white labeled CQG Desktop. Updates can be managed by partner administrators.

Most partners want to provide customers with both a browser-based desktop experience as well as a mobile experience.

Consolidating management in this way helps maintain a consistent experience for customers and simplifies maintenance for partners and CQG.


White labeling CQG Desktop can happen in as fast as a day, but can take several days or longer depending on clarity and coordination