Intellectual Property Display Agreement

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Intellectual Property Display Agreement conditions:

  • Always refer to CQG as CQG, Inc.
  • Always include the copyright statement, “Source: CQG, Inc. © All rights reserved worldwide.” at the bottom of each CQG chart. In cases where space is limited, such as for a magazine publication, the caption, “Source: CQG, Inc.” is acceptable for use at the bottom of a CQG chart.
  • A copyright notice should be legible to the naked eye, generally no smaller than a 7-point font.
  • In printed material published in book form, the copyright notice should appear on the title page or second page, either alone, or as part of a larger proprietary rights legend. The notice may also appear on either side of the front or back cover, or on the first or last page of the main body of the work. The copyright notice should also be reproduced adjacent to each CQG chart when the size of the chart is one-half page or larger.
  • In advertising and single-page materials, the copyright notice should appear in a small font on the footer of the front page, or on the back of a single-leaf work.
  • In videos, add copyright bullet to disclaimer page at end of video: “Chart source: CQG, Inc. © All rights reserved worldwide.”
  • Any streaming market data, news, or other third-party content is not permitted. The data must be delayed at least thirty minutes and can be updated only once per day after the market has closed.
  • When using CQG Data Factory™ data, the above copyright notices are not required. Instead, provide attribution by including the phrase, “Data provided courtesy of CQG, Inc.” adjacent to the data or at the bottom of the page.

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